Little girl with stuffy nose

Ease Your Child’s Cold & Flu Symptoms – Herbal Formulas Just for Kids!

Cold & flu season has arrived, and it’s inevitable that kids will pick up a sniffle or two over the next few months. Common viruses are notorious for being easily passed around classrooms and playgroups – and despite best efforts, a runny nose, sore throat, or hacking cough will come home with kids! You can…

Bacterial vs Viral Infections - Woman sneezing

Bacterial vs. Viral Infections – How Herbs Help to Defend and Fight Back!

Cold and flu season keeps us on our toes with the many different “bugs” being passed around: stomachflu, strep throat, sinus infections, common colds… it seems we’re always on watch for the latest sickness. Many illnesses can be attributed to two types of microbes: viruses and bacteria, and it’s important to know what you’re dealing…

Kids Swimming

Ear Oil – Swimmer’s Ear Relief!

Summer is upon us, and we’re all looking forward to cooling off with a swim. Whether you hit the pool, lake or ocean, water can splash into the ear and remain there after swimming. This creates a moist environment ideal for bacterial growth that can cause an external ear infection, known as otitis externa or…

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