The Detox Allergy Connection

Detox-Allergy Connection

During allergy season, the great outdoors often takes the blame as pollen, and leaf mold bloom into the air. But there may be something lurking within that is heightening your sensitivity to allergens.  

You’re probably aware that watering eyes, itchiness, sneezing, fatigue, and hay fever are a result of your immune system reacting to allergens.  The gist of it is, when your immune system perceives a foreign substance as a threat (dust, pollen, dander), it releases histamine as a protective response resulting in an inflammatory response and the recognizable symptoms that go with it.  

Histamine receptors can be found all throughout the body, including in the lymph tissue found in the intestinal tract. This is where the detox-allergy connection factors in digestion. In the intestinal tract is your microbiome (colonies of bacteria), GALT (Gut associated lymphoid tissue), and MALT (Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue). Poor bowel elimination and an excess of processed food, certain medications etc. can impact healthy bacterial colonies and the mucosa lining – affecting the integrity of these lymphoid tissues, immune responses and make you susceptible to problematic levels of yeast and fungus!  

Yeast and fungal infections in the body are not uncommon – we are constantly exposed to them in our environment, including the air we breathe. Often, there are small amounts of both in the body, but given the opportunity, these cells can multiply rapidly resulting in infections that can be seen topically (athlete’s foot, ringworm) and inside the body (candida, vaginal yeast infection).  

The disruption from a too-high presence of yeast and/or fungus in the intestinal tract results in the reduced production of regulatory T immune cells anti-inflammatory cytokines, leading to the loss of “immune tolerance” where it attacks the body’s own tissue in extremely sensitive immune responses.

Read more about immune responses and the root cause of allergies: Seasonal Allergy Relief – Treat Your Symptoms and The Root Cause 

Reducing and eliminating these conditions can be tricky and almost always involves some kind of treatment. Herbs have a long tradition for treating infections, by assisting the body in “detoxing” from parasites, fungus, and yeast!

Fungafect® combines antifungal and immune enhancing herbs to help fight existing fungal infections and helps defend against reoccurrence. It is also helpful in battling yeast-related issues.  

Fungafect®  combines uniquely microbial herbs that works to effectively disrupt the “biofilm” of fungi and yeast (think of the “fuzz” you feel on your teeth after skipping brushing – this is a biofilm!). The biofilm facilitates the communication and reproduction of yeast and fungal cells! When it is damaged the cells can’t replicate and are more easily be eliminated. 

Herbal Fun fact – unlike many strong, bitter tasting herbs with antimicrobial action, Pau d’Arco has a mild, almost sweetish taste that makes it easy for kids to tolerate! Plus, it doesn’t disrupt population of the 2 major bacterial types in the intestinal tract:  lacto and bifido bacterium! 

Fungafect® also provides immune support to help prevent future infections! 

Fungal and yeast infections are not just confined to the gut! In fact, they can move throughout the body in the bloodstream. Fungal infections are sometime the underlying issue with chronic rhinitis and sinusitis! In fact, recurring sinus infections can often be fungal infections as can ear infections! 

Oregano Plus Capsules combines blend black seed oil and distilled garlic essential oil – powerful antimicrobials – along with oregano oil, for potent capsules that help to combat infections. 

Black seed oil is a particularly good anti-inflammatory for mucus membranes and effective in disrupting fungal biofilms! 

How else can you lessen your exposure to yeast and fungus?  

  • Avoid potentially contaminated water both drinking and swimming/washing.   
  • Reduce or eliminate sugars, alcohol, vinegar, mushrooms, yeast, nuts (contain natural molds) from your diet. Following a “candida diet” is best undertaken with the support of a health practitioner.  
  • Be aware of risk factors from travel. Fungi and yeast love moist, warm environments! 
  • Wear flip flops in locker rooms and public pool areas.  
  • Wash fresh produce before eating, manure and other soil amendments may remain after harvest.  
  • Wash hands after gardening – especially under fingernails! 
  • Wash hands after handling pets, picking up after pups and changing kitty litter.  
  • Talk to your doctor, ND, or pharmacist about managing vulnerability to yeast and/or fungal infections that may come along with some medical treatments or medications.  

Note: both Fungafect® and Oregano Plus Capsules are not suitable for long term use. They can be used for short term infection treatment, or in a “pulse” (on and off) dosage. They are also not suitable for pregnant and/or breastfeeding women.


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