Your Lymphatic System – A Key Part of Immune Health

Lymph Tonic

The lymphatic system in the body is often overlooked – but as an integral part of the immune system, it is essential for keeping us healthy. 

Comprised of a complex network of vessels, ducts, lymph nodes, glands and tissues that work together, the lymphatic system regulates the immune system and helps to transport hazardous waste products out of the body. It also plays a role in maintaining fluid balance and is involved in absorbing essential, nourishing dietary fats and valuable fat-soluble nutrients.

Lymph and Immunity

Lymph is a fluid that circulates white blood cells – immune cells produced by the lymphatic system that defend against illness and infection as a part of the body’s immune response. An efficient lymphatic system keeps lymph circulating throughout the entire body and enables our immune system to respond appropriately to threats and invaders.

Issues with the lymphatic system can arise when circulation becomes sluggish, or it becomes overwhelmed. But plant medicine has long been used to help keep it functioning optimally.

Lymph Tonic features traditional herbs that benefit the functioning of the lymphatic system, including efficient lymph flow, glandular support and stimulating detoxification – and the formulation comes with a story that’s grounded in the harmonious meeting of practical need and traditional wisdom.

Lymph Tonic
The Story of St. Francis Herb Farm’s Lymph Tonic

Years ago, when my husband Paul was just a child, he woke up with a terrible throbbing earache and very high fever, in unbearable pain. His parents and founding co-owners, Jeremy and Monique Rivett-Carnac, turned to what they know so well, herbs. Given the urgency of Paul’s symptoms, Jeremy spontaneously put his expertise to work and devised the formula that we now know as Lymph Tonic. Within hours, Paul’s earache subsided, the pain left him, and he fell peacefully to sleep.

This illustrates how the nine herbs in Lymph Tonic benefit the immune response and help to restore balance to the body, with a formula grounded in the synergistic action of each unique herb:

Cleavers – Used traditionally for its “detoxifying” benefits in aiding eliminatory functions and as a diuretic. This tonic herb is effective for issues that express lymphatic symptoms or edema.

Red root – Traditionally valued for disorders of the spleen, the organ associated with lymphatic circulation.

Blue flag –  Supports glandular structures and has been used for thyroid and skin conditions, as well as general detoxification.

Echinacea angustifolia – A classic immune supportive herb that helps to clean wastes from the lymphatic system.

Burdock – A remedy for an infected glandular system, ideal for swollen glands.

Mullein – A general decongestant for the lymphatic system that activates lymph circulation, especially of the neck and chest.

Phytolacca – Helps stimulate lymph flow and detoxification and is helpful in cases of Eustachian tube inflammation and chronic tonsillitis.

Southern prickly ash – Stimulates circulation of both blood and lymph and improves the tone of mucous membranes.

Lobelia –Commonly used for asthma and lung conditions, it is also valued for its lymphatic alterative properties.

Arriving at an effective formula is as much an artful craft as it is a science. This careful combination of herbs provides daily support to the lymphatic system, working together to stimulate its functioning and promote the health and detoxification of the lymph glands.  As with all herbal formulas, our Lymph Tonic is a perfect example that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Lymph Tonic remains Paul’s favourite medicinal companion to this day – a testimony to the miraculous healing power of herbs.

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