Herbs – Powerful Allies in Battling UTIs

Cranberry juice for battling UTI

If you’ve ever experienced a UTI, you know how irritating, inconvenient, and painful they can be!

You’re not the only one – urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common bacterial infections, especially among women – and 30% of women with a UTI suffer a repeat occurrence within six months.

These stubborn infections can occur throughout the urinary system, most commonly in the urethra or bladder, but also in the ureters and kidneys. Women are more vulnerable to UTIs due to shorter urethras, which makes it easier for bacteria to get into the urinary system.

When the UTI-causing bacteria are treated and reduced, symptoms can subside and ideally, disappear. But smaller populations of bacteria can cling to the lining of the urinary system and flare up again given the opportunity.

Antibiotics are a common course of action in treating UTIs, but antibiotic resistance can be a concern – especially given the tendency of UTI’s to recur.

Fortunately, herbs can be powerful allies in battling symptoms of UTIs – by addressing the root of the infection as well as soothing and supporting the urinary system. UTI Clear has been formulated to do just that! This special blend harnesses the unique benefits of eight herbs in a tincture that effectively helps those suffering with a urinary tract infection or with a tendency to develop such.

UTI Clear Herbs and Their Benefits

Effective Antibacterial Action

  • Golden rod sets the tone of this formula, with strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities specifically directed to the urinary tract.
  • Antimicrobial juniper, yarrow and echinacea reinforce this defense against UTI-causing bacteria.

Gentle Diuretic Effects

  • Dandelion, juniper, horsetail, and goldenrod act as mild diuretics to help flush out bacteria while supporting kidney and bladder function.

Soothing Urinary Tract Support

  • Marshmallow root soothes inflammation and irritated mucous membranes in the urinary system, relieving the burning pain of UTIs.

As one of our longest standing and most effective formulas, the complementary and synergistic benefits of UTI Clear’s herbal ingredients provide a natural therapeutic solution in supporting urinary health.

UTI Clear | Liberté U

How to Use UTI Clear

To reduce symptoms and treat an oncoming or established urinary infection, take UTI Clear as directed: 2 ml (60 drops or just less than half a teaspoon) three times a day in a little water, on an empty stomach.

While not intended for long term use, UTI Clear also offers preventative benefits that can effectively help you to avoid future infections. For example, a woman whose UTIs are triggered by intercourse could take 1 ml (30 drops) before and after, to fend off a potential bacterial flare up and prevent a UTI from occurring.

Habits that Support Urinary Health

Precautionary lifestyle factors are also helpful in preventing the recurrence of infection. 

  • Be vigilant with personal care, avoiding scented soaps or bath products, and being sure to wipe “front to back” to avoid intestinal bacteria entering the urinary tract.
  • Sex can sometimes trigger infections and urinating before and after intercourse can help flush potentially harmful bacteria away from the urinary tract.
  • Increase water intake – aiming for 2-3 litres daily to hydrate and help flush out infection.
  • Check your diet for food sensitivities, which can undermine overall immune health and make it tougher to keep infections at bay. Dairy and gluten are common culprits.

Whether you’re experiencing your first UTI, or are dreading a repeat episode of painful symptoms – the targeted blend of herbs in UTI Clear can gently and effectively help to defend and restore your urinary health. 

References available upon request.

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