This herb is unique because it is the inner bark that has its own therapeutic gifts. Native to North America, this herb has long been used for its medicinal benefits. Indigenous peoples used this herb to treat coughs and colds, as a digestive aid, an internal pain reliever, a disinfectant, and even to ease labour pains. The wood of this tree is also popular for smoking foods.
Can you name this powerful herb?
This herb is widely used to support women’s health. The berries of this purple-blossomed plant have been used to provide hormone normalizing support to women by stabilizing menstrual cycle irregularities, relieving symptoms of PMS, and easing symptoms associated with menopause. This herb is used in many of our herbal formulas and is featured as a single tincture and capsule in our Women’s Health line up.
Can you name this powerful herb?
This herb is grown on our farm in the Madawaska Valley. It bears a white flower with 5 petals, and typically grows in marshes and other damp areas. Ancient Egyptians boiled the root pulp of this herb in honey, making a delicacy reserved for gods and royalty. They also recognized the healing properties of this herb, using it to soothe coughs and sore throats.
Can you name this powerful herb?
This herb is a powerful adaptogen, one of a group of herbs that adapt to what the body needs. They are used to help support and balance the body’s immune system, in turn, fortifying our health. Available as a single tincture and capsule, this herb is also a key part in our Deep Immune® and Deep Immune® Kids formulas.
Can you name this powerful immunity strengthening herb?
Native to North America, this herb can be found growing in forests under the canopy of deciduous trees. One of its uses by Indigenous people of North America was as a dye. Because of its potent, broad-spectrum antimicrobial action and anti-inflammatory benefits, it is a key ingredient in our EchinaSeal® formula, to help fight back at infections, at the first sign.
Can you name this powerful herb?